
Apr 11, 2011

In Bloggy News...

Last week, Simply Modern Mom posted a picture I took on her blog! Check it out here! (It's the one with the sewing machine and the little girl!)

Also, Ceri at Inspired by Felix gave me a little mention on her blog last week and I'm happy to accept her kind award and pass it along to three other blogs that I enjoy! If you haven't been to Inspired by Felix yet, get over there and admire Ceri's work. Among my favorites right now are her gorgeous pillows!
So the rules of this award are that I can pass it along to 3 other blogs that I believe deserve some recognition. There are so many awesome blogs out there that it was hard to pick just three. But here are my choices (in no particular order):

* Handmade Homemaker - Such cute projects here with great pictures!
* Needle and Spatula - Kate can really sew. Her quilting projects are aMAzing!
* Blue Bird Sews - Fabulous quilts. Start ogling!

Congrats bloggers! If you would like to pass along the award, feel free to do so, but don't feel obligated. This is just my way of saying I enjoy your work and reading your blogs!

And one other thing...I did a project recently that Simply Modern Mom blogged about a while back. I think it turned out really well.
I used $1 unfinished wooden frames from Michael's, some chalkboard paint, some yarn, and hot glue (my cheaper, quicker alternative -- let's hope it holds, but so far so good!)

This set of frames is one of the first things you see when you come inside our home and, in case you're wondering, these are reminders for my visitors because my kids have food allergies. Gotta keep'em safe!

Have a good week!

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