
Apr 14, 2011

Kid's Map Quilt

I love making things for my kids! Especially things that really make them excited. This is one of them!

My son's latest interest is the United States of America and, in particular, all those funny states.  What initially got him hooked was the book, The Scrambled States of America Talent Show, by Laurie Keller, where each state has a quirky little personality. 

At home, discussion about the states had already moved to the continents and we'd been spinning our toy globe for weeks. But those countries are so small on a globe, and hard to get a really good look at. That's why these (roughly) 1-yard fabric panels were perfect for what I was going to do.
Because the USA side was slightly smaller than the World side, I sewed some strips of space (another big interest) fabric onto the ends. I did some random quilting lines, mostly following the latitude and longitude lines. I didn't worry about it being perfect.

And then for the batting, I used some thicker, poly/cotton blend (which I pieced together from scraps), and then let my son pick the binding fabric. (He picked this fabric because the big circles look like planets. How appropriate!)
Already, we've had a good time playing. I'll say, "Where's Colorado?...Ohio?...New York?...New Mexico?...Where do we live?" And my son will find it and point to it. (I think he's remembering the pictures on the states, but still.)
 Here he is showing me where we live.
Fun, easy quilt/blanket/toy that I'm sure will get lots of use. I can now officially pat myself on the back.
Hooray for the play quilt!


  1. What a brilliant project! this is such a great idea and ALL children should have one to learn about different countries and get an idea of how big the world is. You know what, I'd like one! (But not the US side, just the world side!)

  2. What a great project! Where did you get the panels? My kids would love this!

  3. Funny! I bought that exact world map fabric like 10 years ago at Joann's. I've always wanted to make a quilt out of it. I think it's time. Cute work.


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