
Nov 11, 2011

TUTORIAL ~ A Lil' Scarf for You!

Ah, I do love this time of year when scarves start making their appearance again. And they certainly are all over blogland! 
I'm the type of person who needs to wear a scarf as soon as the northern winds start rustling the leaves. But when I pulled out my winter wraps the other day, nothing, especially not my lovely, chunky knit scarf was appropriate. Too much, you know? So, inspired by some fun knit fabric, I made a lil' scarf to do the trick of keeping me warm enough. And stylish too. 
Here it is!
 It's the right amount of wrap with the right amount of style. Perfect for autumn walks and trips about town.
 There are two ways to wear it and both have their advantages. The top way keeps me a little bit warmer, but the second way, below, has a little bit of sass. Which every mama needs now and then.
 Want to make one?? Since I didn't take pictures as I made it, I drew up some stand-in pieces to illustrate the process.
Ready? Let's go.

Cut two pieces of fabric 23" by 4.5". You will use 1/4" seems so the finished product is about 22.5"x4".  In case you're wondering, my pointy part was about 7" in the end, so roughly 1/3 of the cravat. I used a very stretchy and soft knit fabric that I found in the clearance section of Joann's. Imagine! It's so pretty, I should have bought a lot more.
 Next, place the two pieces, right sides together, and sew around the edges leaving about 4" at the end for turning.  When finished, clip corners and trim seams to a scant 1/8".
 Turn the pieces right side out and finger-press the edges flat. Pin them down so they won't shift as you do a topstitch all the way around, catching the opening and sewing it closed at the end. Back stitch a little to lock the stitches.
 Finally, sew a button at the flat end of the cravat about 3.5" from the edge. Then make a button hole at the pointy end, also about 3.5" from the tip.
 Now go outside and flaunt your good work!
If you end up making one of these Lil' Scarves please upload yours to my Flickr group. Thanks! :)

Linking up here:

Our Creative Spaces
Tatertots and Jello
Mommy By Day...Crafter By Night
Sugar Bee Crafts
Tea Rose Home


  1. It looks FANTASTIC!!! Very stylish indeed - and so unusual! What an inspired idea! I'd love to make one - so thank you for sharing the tutorial!!! :)

  2. hi! kimberly here @ popping over from the tatertots & jello linky. LOVE LOVE LOVE the lil scarf! i'm obsessed with houndstooth as well, so this certainly caught my eye. i pinned it to my houndstooth board! thanks for sharing!

  3. wow, it is gorgeous........


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