
Dec 22, 2011

Make a Kid's Belt!

Well, I've finally made something that my son NEEDS (as opposed to what he would simply enjoy, like another new blanket, har har.).
What is it? A SPACE belt to hold up those constantly sagging pants!
 And this project literally took less than an hour. Waaaaay less than an hour. (I could barely believe it myself.)
I used some red webbing from Joann's and some space/planet fabric I had on hand. This fabric has some stretch to it, which worked really well. I'm not sure how regular, cotton fabric would work, but would be interested to know. I think another good fabric choice would be nylon or maybe rayon.

So for a slender, 4-year-old boy, I used about 30" of webbing and 36-37" of fabric.
I stuck with the raw edges, but I suppose another option is to cut the fabric wider and then fold the edges over before sewing. I guess it comes down to how much time you want to spend on the belt. After a few uses, my son's belt has some visible fraying, but I really don't think it looks bad. His store-bought belt has the same thing.
I started at the end that would have the hooks and let about an inch hang off the end before sewing. Below is a shot of the other end of the belt that will end up looping into the hooks.
Ready for the hooks!
 Loop them inside the end of the belt that had the fabric extend only 2" inches onto the other side.
Pin or hold steady. Then sew across the end a few times to make sure the hooks are secured. You may want to add a label before sewing this end down. I ended up doing this after the pics I took here.
And there you go! A quick, easy, and fabulous belt that's easy to customize for your kid. Feel free to ask any questions!

Now if only he could stay still for a few decent pictures.... ;-)


  1. The belt is FANTASTIC!!! I can't believe it was such a quick and easy make - it looks so professionally done! Well done you!!! And thanks for sharing - I think I'm going to have to have a go at making one for myself!
    Happy new year!!!

  2. Hi! Love the belt, seems surprisingly simple but looks fabby! Just found your blog and I'm enjoying looking through your archives


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