
Jan 15, 2012

Scrappy Little Apron Skirt

 I love this stretchy hounds tooth material, but without enough to make an entire skirt for my little one, I improvised with an old t-shirt of the teenage size.
 See the yellow hem? I just cut off the bottom of the shirt and stuck in the hounds tooth. Well, it wasn't really that easy, because the hounds tooth had already been hemmed and stitched up from another project-gone-wrong. So I had to piece together the waistband, and ended up sewing two seams, on either side of the hounds tooth. But, it turned out well enough. My daughter thinks it's the bomb.
 Especially because now we can be twinners. Should I make one for Dolly with the extra itty-bitty scraps? Hmm, it has crossed my mind.
 Time out for a little window-ledge climbing. Dolly, you with me?
 Yeah, I think it's pretty cool too that we can dress alike. I've become one of those moms.
 There you go. The latest in our fashion arsenal. The Scrappy Little Apron Skirt!
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  1. Aaaah! You two look so lovely in your matching skirts! I think that dolly would REALLY like one!!! ;-)

  2. So cute! I love the almost matching skirts! I came here from Sew Modern Monday and this really caught my eye!


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