
Mar 20, 2012

Wind and Waves Top

There are some tops I wear all. The. Time. People must get sick of seeing me in them. Again. (Right, hubby?) So a few weeks ago, I bought some new fabric to *replicate* one of my favorite 
go-to shirts.
Same sorta styling, but new colors. I'm liking it! (Hubs, are you?)
Rae's Spring Top Sewalong, which opened this week, kicked me into high gear and I got the top done over the weekend to enter into the contest. Yeah!
 The fabric is a lightweight knit with a lacy look that is most noticeable on the white stripes. These pics don't do it justice, but it's really a pretty fabric close-up.
My favorite details on this top are the sleeves (notice the ends which have the stripes going the other direction? That extra part makes the sleeves a little more fitted too.) and the ruched sides. I think the ruching helps dress up the top. Both are details I copied from the shirt I already own.
Above is a shot of the back. I like how the top tapers at the hips.
Ok, I think that's probably more than enough pictures! It was freeeeeezing out when I got these taken and the breeze made it even chillier. I was like, Hurryuphurryuphurryupbutmakeitgoodhurryup!
Gotta love those sewing photo shoots, huh?
Glad to be done and to have something I made that's actually wearable. I made a hoodie a few weeks ago and it definitely gave me confidence to make another top for myself. :)


  1. Awesome top and and awesome modeling too! You're such a great sewist/seamstress/whatever.

  2. Wow! Well done you - what a gorgeous top! And a gorgeous model, too!
    Hope you're having a good week.....

  3. Not everyone can wear stripes..but you can!!!!!.. you look lovely and the top is gorgeous!

  4. nice top! I like stripes and a colour.


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