
Apr 23, 2011

Easter Clothes Part II: Seersucker Pants

You've seen what my daughter's going to wear on Easter, now here's what my son is going to wear.
I splurged on a new shirt and then sewed these pants myself after getting all inspired by this fabulous tutorial for Kid Pants at Made.
 I sewed some pants for my daughter last spring--even crafted some potato stamps and added that to them. And I made my son some hanging around fleecy pants back when he was small. But it had been a while since I'd made something wearable (in public, that is). When I saw these Kid Pants, I just had to get myself some seersucker and give them a try. And let me just say the tutorial made it easy. Dana at Made explains things very well and includes awesome pictures to help you every step of the way.
Like she suggested, I used seersucker for these pants, and they do, indeed, scream SUMMER!
Since I've been on a quilting bent lately, it was nice to take a break and try something different.
Happily, my son agreed to model the pants and let me take some pictures. I'm so glad the pants fit. I just might try to make some more.
Tomorrow, I'll try to get some pictures up of the kids together sportin' their new duds!
Happy Easter!

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