
Apr 22, 2011

Easter Clothes Part I: A Sweet Skirt

This Easter, I had this urge to make my kids some Easter clothes. When I was little, my parents always bought my sister and me a new dress and a new pair of shoes for Easter. We'd go to church truly decked out in our finest. We'd wear the palest pink or yellow or blue frock along with a pair of dainty, sweet shoes to match.

Well, now that I'm a mom myself, I thought I'd go with this idea, but instead of buying everything, I'd try to make the main pieces myself.

Enter the Market Skirt, which I made following this tutorial from MADE.
I showed you my sneak peak of this skirt a few days ago. So if you guessed "skirt" you guessed right - well done! Today, I found a little blue frilly shirt while I was out shopping and thought that it'd go well with the skirt (but I haven't checked to see if they match yet!).
I'm still looking for shoes...

But I did make this too:
Can you tell what it is? It's a scrappy flower hairclip. Just to, you know, match the skirt. A little top to bottom fluidity.
I also made a scrappy flower and hot glued a pin backing to it. I'm thinking about pinning the flower to the skirt here (above). Or pinning it to my daughter's shirt.
(I wish my pictures were better, but I'm traveling this week and not on my own computer with my own camera. Ack.)

On Saturday, I'll show you what I made for my son to wear on Easter Sunday!
(And yes, it's going to be a little matchy-matchy. Yes, I'm being one of those moms. And I'm loving it!)

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