
Apr 21, 2011

Thrift Store Shopping

Recently, I stopped by our (somewhat) local Salvation Army to drop off some donations and to also peruse what I told my kids was
"an indoor yard sale."
I picked up this.
 And this. (Look at those three cute kids on the fence!)
 And this.
 But I am not entirely sure why. I don't drink tea. I don't have any empty cabinets in the kitchen. Hmmm. I think in the back of my mind I was dreaming about pincushions for the teacups. I was also just admiring the artistry of the China. China! 
Overhead at the store: "Geez, this is someone's full China set."
"(Low whistle.) Probably wedding gifts."
And I thought, Aw, how sad. But so generous too!
Not sure what I'll do with it all. Right now I'm casting long glances at my mismatched set as I walk around the kitchen, thinking, mulling things over, hoping to get inspired, but not in a rush to do so. Happy just to have found them for now.
What would YOU do with these items?? (Aside from never buying them in the first place, of course!)

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