
Apr 27, 2011

Spring Pillow

I finally finished this pillow this afternoon! Just in time to link up with Stitched in Color's Blogger's Pillow Party. Woot!

I so love the colors in this pillow! The robin's-egg blue is my absolute favorite and I went with the color-theme that reminded me of springtime--the blue eggs, the new green leaves popping up on trees, the yellow sunshine, the white dogwood blossoms, the red heat... Mmm. I do love spring!

The heart embroidery template came from the book Sew Charming. This pillow had several firsts for me including the hand-painted heart (my version of silk screening).
This was also my first attempt at embroidery and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I found working with a hoop very relaxing and the results came much quicker than I'd expected.

I attached batting to the back of the front (oh, that sounded funny) of this pillow and then hand-quilted the top. Another first.

This is my third time doing the envelope closure and the good news is it has gotten easier with each try. ;)

 And it was also my first time doing a hand-made label. 

 Overall, I enjoyed the process of making this pillow. It took a while, with many different steps, but I had a lot of fun dreaming it up and piecing everything together to create something pretty.

Blogger's Pillow Party
I'm also linking up at Fabric Tuesday, another fabulous blog with lots of inspiring work. 
Fresh Poppy Design

By the way, have you entered my giveaway yet?


  1. Its a pretty pillow! Love the embroidery and hand quilting!

  2. The hand stitched details are a great addition. Thanks for joining in on the Pillow Party again!

  3. Awesome Mary Jo! So colorful!

  4. That is absolutely gorgeous!! Love the colors :) This is your close up from the other day!

  5. Great pillow! I love all the little touches and that blue fabric is gorgeous! Lovely! I just found your blog!


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