
May 2, 2011


I enlisted my husband this evening to draw a winner out of a hat. Let me tell you, the odds were REALLY good of winning this giveaway. :) But there could only be one winner and a name drawn was....
My British bloggy friend, Ceri, won a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms! And she's going to pass the book along to her friend who has an 8-month-old little boy. Such a good friend! Ceri, in case you're awake in the middle of the English night reading my blog (I'm not holding my breath), I'm going to email you now and let you know you won. Thanks to the fabulous ladies who entered my little giveaway. You guys rock!

Amendment: since I only had three entrants, you are all going to get a copy of the book. Locust702 and Mary Jo at Crafters Notebook, I'm emailing you too! :)


  1. Thanks fo much. I can't wait to get it. I am so happy. :)

  2. It's now morning in the UK, and guess what I woke up to! Yeay! and double yeay! Thanks so much, Mary Jo. I'm super chuffed and I think Nikki will be too. Will email my address over..


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