
Aug 19, 2011

Binding and Fabric

Making progress. I did the binding today for my two little Girl on a Tree Swing mini-quilts. Can you guess which binding goes on each quilt?? (We had this terrific thunderstorm going through at the time of this top photograph -- 3:30pm EST -- so it was very dark!)
 The dark blue fabric above is a current favorite. I really, really love it. It's part of the Denyse Schmidt line and I found it at JoAnn's! I love the vintage-y look to it. So I thought it was neat to pull out this old bed sheet my mom gave me a month or so ago and see that there are MAJOR similarities. I remember seeing this bed sheet on my parents' bed when I was little. I liked it then and I love it now - just about as much as I do in the "updated" D&S version. 
My gramma's old house had wallpaper just like this in one of the bedrooms too. Wish I had a scrap of that...

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