
Aug 17, 2011

Work-in-Progress Girl on a Tree Swing

 Like so many others out there, I was captivated by Aneela Hoey's Girl on a Tree Swing quilt. I remember reading her tutorial on how to do the mini-quilt and bookmarking it many, many months ago. And it just stuck with me. So, now that things have settled down a little more for me this summer, I decided to give it a try.

The piecing and free-motion quilting of the scraps was a lot of fun. I liked putting everything together. When it came time to outline the tree, the apples, and the little girl, I was excited! The face was harder than I thought it'd be. But I think it turned out well enough. My girl looks like she's yukking it up about something.

Here's a close-up.
I saw so many neat versions on blogs out there that I decided to give it another try with a red-white-and-blue background. This background is also half the size as the one above (though the parts like the tree and girl are the same sizes).
And another close-up.
 I'm in the process of now quilting the designs so that I'll have two little wall hanging mini-quilts in the end. It's a relatively easy project (depending on how fussy you are) and fun to do something different. I'm hoping to get the mini-quilts done in the next week or so!
I'm happy to be linking up here with Lee at Freshly Pieced today:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced 


  1. I hadn't see these before - very cute!

  2. i like these. both are appeal for different reasons. the top one is more orderly, the other less so, like the good child/bad child, if that makes sense. Or maybe it should be the more dare devil child.

  3. This is one of my favorite designs, and yours turned out great! I love her expressions. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  4. I love how you did the background for these!

  5. Hi Mary Jo, these are brilliant! those little ladies have bags of character..oo and I love your labels too :)


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