Aug 10, 2010

Sewing Machine Cozy!

On a recent afternoon, I was feeling crafty and my son wanted to sew (ie, play with the pins. Yes, I know this sounds kind of dangerous, but he knows to be careful and I enjoy hearing about the pins' trips and the imaginary places they go -- on the fabric! ha!) Anyway, I wanted something quick to make so I thought this might be fun - a sewing machine cozy! I used the book Sew Darn Cute for instructions on how to make one and decided to use the vintage sheet my mom gave me (see how I used this fabric for a baby girl dress on an earlier post!).

I used some trim that I had in my stash to finish it off. And I like how it looks. Much better than the red scrap of flannel I've been tossing over it for the past two years!

This is my sewing desk and all-purpose craft corner. The desk was my Gramma D.'s and has its own history and various stories that go with it. But I will say that many letters have been written at this desk. Many children have hidden underneath it (including my mother!) and I'm sure many items have been sewn here as well, long before I began.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary Jo.
    I'm very impressed of all things you sewed!!! Very good work!!! :)



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