All right. So here's my second baby sweater. This one's different from the first because it was knitted up in two pieces, front and back. It felt like it took ages to complete. I think it looks pretty cute (I like the buttons at the neck and the little duckie I sewed on for detail), but the body is too big on my daughter right now and I worry that once the body fits, the arms will be too short. Are you wondering why?
Because the pattern called for some obscure yarn I had never heard of and didn't want to pay a bundle for, so I just bought some "Baby Vanna's Choice" yarn at Michael's and guessed on the size. Well. I guess time will tell. But get this, I followed the 0-3 month sizing (knowing my yarn was thicker than said obscure yarn) and the sweater's still too big for a 10-month-old baby. Hmm.