Wow! I feel so honored to receive a Stylish Blogger Award from Mary at Bugglebee Handmade! If you haven't checked out Mary's blog, you should do so RIGHT. NOW. She has some great tutorials and does some really awesome work (like this gorgeous pillow and these cute appliqued onesies)! Thanks Mary!
This award is a great idea because you get to pass it on and help promote other blogs that are new to you or just darn inspiring.
So onto the rules for accepting the award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Award 6 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact the bloggers and tell them about the award.
All right. Rules are covered. Now for seven things about me (argh. I didn't really want to do this part! But here goes.)
1. I grew up playing the violin.
2. From my home, I can walk to Starbucks in about seven minutes. Yeeesssss!
3. I taught high school English before having kids and taught for one year in Alaska.
4. In sixth grade, I ran into a wall and broke my wrist.
5. In high school, I worked at a Blockbuster Video and now that store in my hometown is closing.
6. I was a Navy wife for six months before my husband got out of the military.
7. A knee injury my soph year of college ended my volleyball career (and Olympic dreams. Ha.).
Whew. OK, that wasn't so bad.
Now on to the next step. The six blogs I'd like to nominate for this award in no particular order are...
K*D Quilts

Camp Follower Bags and Quilts

A Girl in Paradise
Made on Maple
There are so many more blogs that I love, but I'm capping the list at 6. (I have some sewing to do, hello!) Now go check out these fun blogs!
Oh wow, I can't believe you've chosen me! Thanks so much!! It wont stop me from pointing out you only listed 6 things about yourself though ;0)