We had a beautiful day today and so it was the perfect opportunity to take my Christmas quilts outside for a little photo shoot. I sweet talked asked my darling husband to hold the quilts while I took dozens of enough pics, and he begrudgingly loving obliged without complaining once about his arms getting tired so hurry up.
And, so as not to overwhelm anyone with photos, I'll just show you my son's quilt and save my daughter's for another day. ;-)

It took me quite a while to do these blocks, but I found myself enjoying it a lot. I tried to incorporate pieces that I knew my son would really like ... space scraps, Rudolph, a turtle (so tiny, can you find it?), etc. I also had this really questionable great idea to order a Grinch fat quarter at the last minute, and so on Christmas Eve, I had all but the last block sewn onto the top. Yeah. I was up all stinkin' night finishing.
But it totally cracks me up when my son sings "You're as charming as an eeeeeeeel!" So who wouldn't want that memory in their quilt?? Here's the back. Dontcha love the old-school Rudolph-Santa stuff in the middle? My son loooves the "Bumble." And....he liked this side better than the front side. The front, which I so pain-stakingly loving put together. Strip by strip.
Here's another picture of the top, which *I* love. Below is a close-up of one of the blocks. I incorporated some "feely" scraps into this one. The shiny green on the left and the fleecy green in the middle were both scraps from his 2010 Hungry Caterpillar costume. Ah, memories. That's what quilts are for. Aren't I right?
Some detail from the back. My previous quilts don't have pieced backs. I enjoyed tacklin' this one.
Love the fleecy red and the minky green. I like watching my son push on the minky dots as if he's trying to pop a bubble...
And down below is a close-up of one of my favorite blocks from the front. A scrappy Rudolph block.
This quilt is lap size. I'll try to measure it soon and put up the stats. It's 50" x 50" - a nice big square. Currently it lives on my son's bed. Love. :)
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Aaah! I LOVE it!!! It's soooo colourful and christmassy! Front and back are BOTH gorgeous - you're so clever!!!